when skills, inspiration and desire  to create come together   


Below a short biografie of Daniëlle Broekhuizen-Mazzola

Born in Zwolle, grown up in the West of Holland en studied law at de UVA in Amsterdam. 

Daniëlle’s paintings and paper objects have a surrealistic nature. Above a certain way of humour in her approach of the theme, she often searches the harmonie and peace in the chosen colours. She is inspired by everydays life. She likes to paint series like Dutch Glory, The deadly seven sins, the days of the week and The world upsite down.

Her pastels do have a more expressive background, in wich she tryes to put live into the chosen theme at a realistic way. 

Her drawings are mostly portraits, animals or people. Some are surrealistic.

She also makes jewellery, most with silver wire and pearls of stones. You can see them on her other website: www.danarts.eu

She also works in commission,  gives lectures in drawing, painting and pastel. She also gives workshops.  Note: Several of the showed paintings and pastels are in the possession of others.   

On You Tube you can see a little film of my atelier.